Storytime is Back! Water Storytime

Almost nothing can compare to how good it feels to be able to do storytime for a real audience again. I only had two kiddos join my first storytime this summer, but two in person children is better than 100 virtual ones in my opinion. It was so nice to be able to actual interact with the kids, and hear their thoughts on the books and activities we were doing. And the smiles and “thank you’s,” what a warm fuzzy that I didn’t know I was missing.

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Water Storytime

Ages ago, before the days of COVID, I did a water storytime for my kiddos. Our last storytime before the library closed, was one the week after I was returning from vacation into a heavy programming week, and I needed something that would take a little less prep. So, I created a water storytime using a few new things mixed with recycled ideas from a water storytime and outreach visit I did in 2018. Continue reading